
Exam: 60%
Homework: 20% (5% each)
Project: 10%
Self-checks: 10%
Participation Bonus: ?


Early and Late Submission

Early and late homework submission policies will be announced with the individual assignments. There are NO deadline extensions or make-up assignments/exams.


You can submit regrade requests for homework assignments as well as the exam after you check the rubrics and believe the some part of the grading is incorrect. It is important to know that regrade request may lead to a more careful grading but does not necessarily result in higher scores.

Academic Integrity

All students must adhere to the Northeastern University Academic Integrity Policy.

Please note that you are not allowed to share homework solutions with others or copy anybody else's homework entirely or in parts (both may result in 0 point for the assignment at least). We will check for originality during the grading process. If you use someone else's code, text, etc, you must clearly indicate the copied material and properly cite the source. This also applies to material that you "slightly" modify. If in doubt, cite it and briefly explain or highlight how you modified it.